Vancouver Island

Vancouver Island

Monday, May 24, 2010

The past week has been very eventful. We went to a NRT (norther rangelands trust) conservancy called Sera last Monday. It is a 4 hour drive north on the highway that goes all the way to Ethiopia. We took apart a radio tower that had been hit by lightning. It is a desert there and so hot and we had to walk up and down this hill for a couple hours.

On Thursday and Friday Sean (another student here) and I went to a primary school called Seboiga and we helped out two other Canadian teachers organize a library and then we helped out with their classes and had a sports day. Really cool experience.

On Friday we had a camp fire and then went camping which was really fun then on Saturday we went into a town called Nanyuki (1 hour drive south) and went to some shops then to a pool hall at night.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Habari yako, Wow, so I have been here for about a week now and it is a real experience. If anyone has the opportunity to come to this area of the world- do it. There are 9 other Canadians here so we have kind of taken over and its a lot of fun.

For the first few days I was just being toured around and seeing lewa before the other students got here. I visited one of the schools that lewa supports in a poor village, and a bunch of little kids were waving and coming up to me and wanted to shake my hand, we are so lucky to live where we do. I also went up to a place called Tassia, which is outside of lewa in a conservancy managed by the Northern Rangelands trust. It was really hot up there. they are using a new type of brick that is made out of about 5% cement, and the rest water and soil, and they compress it in this machine and out pops a brick. They are interlocking and so don't need any mortar when they are constructed, very innovative.

On friday I started working on an energy and waste reduction project with another student, it will be very interesting. I also got tracked by a tracker dog from about 500m away then got jumped on and slobbered all over.
Anyways I will post more as it comes, I have some other stories but I'll save them for another time!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Post 1

Sooo after 2 days of long traveling I am at Lewa. It was a real adventure to get here. two nine hour plane rides, a 5 hour delay in Amsterdam and the craziest part was the 6 hour drive from Nairobi to Lewa. The roads are brutal, with pot holes like you couldn't imagine.

People lined the streets almost the whole way, whether they were guiding their herds of cattle, washing cars, selling stuff, it seems like everyone is really doing their best to make money. It is hard to understand how all of these people make a living, but they all seem very happy. We stopped at the equator line where this guy showed me how water spins in different directions literally feet away from the invisible line.

Lewa is amazing, I am in the middle of the jungle in a big tent, all day there are noises of bugs and birds and other animals. The animals run free, these people I have been hanging out with said that a rhino walked right by their outdoor dining area last night and didnt bother them! In the 5 minute drive it took me to get from the Lewa gates to where I am staying I saw a zebra, a giraffe, impalas and a warthog, and there are tons of animals everywhere.

Monday, May 3, 2010

3 Days away

So now I'm 3 days away from leaving! I've been busy the last few days getting everything ready, there is a lot too it but at the same time its really simple. This time next week I'll be all settled in. So stoked to go!